Showing posts with label Apk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apk. Show all posts

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Salah Timings Official demo App

 Salah Timings Official Demo app for android

Salah Timings application is built with the software called website 2 apk. It is a trustable software that provides us an easy way to convert a website into a professional app. This app is under development stage so it is a demo version or trial version. In the next coming months we shall update our app to provide you a professional interface with built in features that will will easy for you to explore within the site.


• Privacy & security
• Safe to use
• Jama'at timings updates
• Built-in post creating option
• User friendly
• Quick reach of website
and many more!

Safety Features

This application only asks you permission for
• Internet access
• Vibration

How to download

• Click on the download link/button given below. You will be redirected to a download link
• click on download 
• wait and download the app from the new download tab

How to install

• Run Salah Timings apk
• if it asks to permission then give it because it is not a verified app it is in developing stage and not verified by Google. 
• click on install
Now, run your app!